English for corporate clients
Individual and group training in business and technical English on site, as well as offsite courses in the UK, Malta and Spain.
General English
Available levels: А1-С1 (Beginner - Upper-Intermediate)
Business English
Available levels: В1-С1 (Pre-Intermediate - Upper-Intermediate)
Technical English
Available levels: A2-В1 (Elementary - Pre-Intermediate)
Available levels: В1 (Pre-Intermediate)
General English
Available levels: А1-С1 (Beginner - Upper-Intermediate)
A popular course based on updated Straightforward to improve English for everyday communication. A clear structure of lessons, a clear presentation and a high level of repetition of the material make it easier to assimilate knowledge. The practice is based on the analysis of interesting topics and videos from the BBC and ITN, as well as interactive tasks. The exercises simulate real communication situations. Students gain functional vocabulary and fluency skills on standard topics.
Educational materials: Straighforward Second Edition
Duration: 120-140 hours
For whom is it suitable: program for those who want to generally improve their knowledge of English for a day-to-day communication
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: apply the basic rules of grammar, phonetics, and also improve the level of their conversational speech and replenish their vocabulary.
Business English
Available levels: А1-С1 (Beginner - Upper-Intermediate)
Minimum requirements A2
Developing Business Speaking and Writing English Skills
Popular course based on Macmillan In Company 3.0 training materials with new texts from British and American sources. Systematically develops personal and business communication skills (negotiations, correspondence, presentations) based on modern examples from business and everyday office life. You expand your business vocabulary, train on problem situations, business speeches, and practice material on the go with the Online Workbook.
Educational materials: In Company 3.0
Duration: 120-140 hours
For whom is it suitable: this course specializes in Business English for use in a business environment. For example, when conducting telephone conversations, in business correspondence, at meetings and presentations. The focus is on oral skills, grammar, business correspondence and business vocabulary.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: attend international conferences, read specialized literature, feel more confident in negotiations with foreign partners, read and draw up contracts in English.
Technical English
Available levels: A2-В1 (Elementary - Pre-Intermediate)
Minimum requirements B1
Working with technical information in English
Specialized course for mechanics, technicians, engineers and anyone else who needs technical English to perform their duties. It includes the study of professional terms, as well as knowledge for independent work with instructions, reference books, technical documentation and other materials.
For whom is it suitable: The course program is designed for a wide range of students (mechanics, technicians, engineers), all those who need technical English to perform their official duties.
Duration: 120-140 hours
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: to rise to a higher level in professional activity, to grow as a specialist who can work with instructions, reference books, etc. in English. The training program also includes the necessary technical terms that will be useful to you in your work.
Specialized English
Available levels: В1 (Pre-Intermediate)
Minimum requirements B1
English for professionals in the field of finance, procurement, personnel
A short-term course improves language competence in narrowly focused professional areas. Helps to delve into the specifics of the chosen industry, lead projects, participate in negotiations, travel on business trips.
For whom is it suitable: This course will help students, even with a beginner's level of language proficiency, to obtain the necessary level of language competence for work with a narrow focus in professional fields.
Duration: 20 hours
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: acquire or improve existing skills and abilities in a professional language; delve into the specifics of their field in more detail, negotiate work, go on business trips, lead and create projects.
The result of taking the TECEDU English courses is an international certificate and the necessary language skills.
Our graduates:
Communicate with foreign partners
Conduct business correspondence competently
Study the technical documentation and understand the instructions on their own
Benefit from cutting-edge information from international sources
Participate in international projects
Reduce the operating costs of the enterprise for the operation of imported equipment
Intensive learning method
The intensive learning method is aimed at accelerating the mastery of the material and removing language barriers. It is recommended when you need to improve the level of the language in a limited time. For this, the number of teaching hours per week is increasing, but the teaching system itself is being transformed.
Together with the shortening of the study period, all the student's resources are maximized due to the creative approach to classes and the benefits of working in groups of 6-12 people. From the very first lessons, only English is used and a lot of game practices. Classes are taught by certified teachers, including native speakers. At the same time, training is carried out in a comfortable psychological environment and does not create additional stress.
The essence of the intensive method is not in reducing the time frame and increasing the intellectual workload, but in the qualitative transformation of the educational process in order to achieve significantly greater results in the same period of time.
The development of literate oral speech, as well as listening comprehension is becoming a priority.
Case studies, role plays, oral presentations and discussions are actively used
Real-life communication situations are simulated so that students gain fluency in expressing thoughts and opinions in English
Throughout the process, the correct pronunciation is consistently put
Pupils are involved in active practice from the very first lessons
Materials are adapted to the individual goals of students, students learn exactly what they really need to work
Study levels and CEFR
We use the CEFR Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to determine English proficiency.
Before starting training, we conduct entrance testing and identify the current level of the student's English in order to choose the right training program
Full beginner
I have never come across the study of the English language before, or someone who taught for a very long time and was ineffective, that is, there is almost no knowledge left.
I understand and can use familiar phrases and expressions in speech necessary to accomplish specific tasks. I can introduce myself / introduce others, ask / answer questions about the place of residence, acquaintances, property. I can participate in a simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.
I understand individual sentences and common expressions related to the main areas of life (for example, basic information about myself and my family members, shopping, getting a job, etc.). I can perform tasks related to the simple exchange of information on familiar or everyday topics. In simple terms, I can tell about myself, my family and friends, describe the main aspects of everyday life.
I understand the main ideas of clear messages made in the literary language on various topics that typically arise at work, study, leisure, etc. I can communicate in most situations that may arise during my stay in the country of the target language. I can compose a coherent message on topics known or of particular interest to me. I can describe impressions, events, hopes, aspirations, state and substantiate my opinion and plans for the future.
I understand the general content of complex texts on abstract and specific topics, including highly specialized texts. I speak quickly and spontaneously enough to constantly communicate with native speakers without too much difficulty for either party. I can make clear, detailed messages on various topics and present my views on the main problem, show the advantages and disadvantages of different opinions.
I understand voluminous complex texts on various topics, I recognize the hidden meaning. I speak spontaneously at a fast pace, without difficulty finding words and expressions. I use the language flexibly and effectively for communication in scientific and professional activities. Can create an accurate, detailed, well-structured message on complex topics, demonstrating proficiency in text organization models, communication tools and the integration of its elements.
Teaching methodology

CEFR helps us understand not only the difference in language proficiency, but also how it progresses from level to level.

The European Association of Foreign Language Examination Boards (ALTE) believes that students spend a certain amount of supervised learning hours to advance to the next level. “Supervised Learning Hours” in this case refers to the time spent on the lesson and completing the tasks assigned by the mentor.

We offer various training intensities:
10 lessons
7 hours per week
20 lessons
15 hours per week
30 lessons
22.5 hours per week
Educational materials
Students will be provided with everything they need to complete the course (pens, pencils, notebooks, textbooks and audio aids). We use the Macmillan series of textbooks for Business and General English. All courses have been developed in accordance with the CEFR.
Typical Instructor Profile

The English language training program is staffed by experienced and certified instructors with experience in teaching English in the energy sector.

All tutors are qualified English teachers or have a CELTA and at least 5 years of experience teaching English to adults.

What is CELTA?
Certificate in English Language Teching to Adults is a pedagogical qualification for teaching English as a second or foreign language (ESL and EFL). Provided by the Cambridge English Assessment. CELTA has been designed to suit both those interested in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) and teaching English as a second language (TESOL).
Learning Opportunities
We know how little time you have, and therefore it is important to us that you do not waste it. Based on our own teaching experience and international standards, we have made English language teaching effective and useful.
  • The trainings are conducted by practicing instructors with an international certificate CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) from the University of Cambridge and many years of experience in teaching English to adults. Their personal charm, energy and positive attitude help to forget about fatigue and learn the language with interest.
  • Training is conducted using original training materials from Macmillan publishing house. They are considered among the best in the world for business. Themes and situations are as close as possible to modern reality and work.
  • The programs are developed on the basis of international standards CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and adapted to the language level of the participants. Before starting the training, we conduct placement testing to determine the current level of students and distribute them into groups from A1 to C1 (Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate).
  • From the very beginning, training is conducted in English using exercises to train speaking practice, writing business letters, translating texts and audio materials.
  • In the learning process, students undergo intermediate tests.
  • We are conducting final testing. Participants who pass the test at 70% + receive an international certificate.
  • We provide the opportunity to take the online test LinguaSkill (formerly BULATS) - this is one of the most convenient and accurate ways to assess language skills for work.
  • The main form of training is in groups of 6-12 people. Individual training is possible.
Demo course in webinar format
How to learn English when you work?
When learning a language, all working specialists face a problem - how to find time and energy for study? This is serious intellectual work, and personal motivation is needed to cope. If you are not studying for yourself, but for someone else, then there will be no effect. In order to find resources to study, you must be truly personally interested in the result.
Moreover, when, due to high loads, the material is absorbed more difficult, attention is lost, it is difficult to find time for study. During the working day, things are constantly distracted, at the end - fatigue does not allow concentrating. But does this mean that you will not be able to learn a language by working? No, this is not the case, let's consider possible solutions.
To make the learning process easier and more effective, you need:
clearly define the purpose of language learning and the desired level
set the time frame by which you want to reach the goal
choose a program that meets your requirements
determine the time at which you are best able to learn (taking into account the work schedule and your own biorhythms).
Remember that you have not yet figured out a way for someone else to learn English for you, so you will have to try, but we will do everything to make it easier for you.
How long does it take to learn English?
To master each level of the language, different training times with a teacher are required. The European Association of Language Testers of Europe (ALTE) has determined the number of study hours to reach each level. The higher the level, the more hours it will take (as elsewhere, basic knowledge is given easily and quickly, and complex knowledge takes longer to master).
To understand how many hours of study on average you will need, you need to determine your current level and the one you are aiming for. For example, your level is Beginner A1, you know the alphabet and a few basic phrases. You want to reach level B1 - the Self-Sufficient Language Proficiency Threshold. Then, most likely, you will need 480 hours of training with a teacher (180 + 300).
Next, you need to determine with what intensity you are ready to learn. For example, if you study 1.5 hours twice a week, then the training will take 3 years and 4 months. If you practice 3 hours 5 days a week, it will take 8 months. Since a specialist needs English skills now, we recommend intensive programs, but you choose the degree of intensity yourself.
General English
Self-sufficient proficiency
Elementary possession
Start teaching English to your entire organization now
Our cases
Нефтяная страна. Как в Ираке нефтяники учили английский язык
Выход на глобальные рынки. Как обучение английскому подготовило персон...
Как преодолеть все сложности и выйти победителем. Дистанционное обучен...
Чайхана, пустыня и газовые сокровища. Как в Узбекистане учили английск...
Also recommended
Individual English
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Online English language programs from the best certified teachers with extensive experience teaching international students
Core business skills
Programs to improve personal efficiency and develop skills of a successful person
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Leadership training
Behavioral trainings and modular programs for leaders and managers of project teams of primary and intermediate level
A wide range of behavioral trainings and modular programs for leaders and managers of project teams from practicing instructors
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