Development of e-learning materials for corporate clients
E-learning development
Technical e-learning
Why e-learning?
E-learning speeds up the learning process, saving time and resources for maximum efficiency
Students can study at a convenient time and place
Students are not limited by distance and can study regardless of where they live
Our specialization
Technical subjects e-learning development
Health and safety
Engineering and technologies
Technical professions
Our competencies
International experience in developing training programs for technical personnel
Tecedu is a full training services provider of Technical, HSE, Core Business Skills and Management Development for Oil and Gas and Power generating companies. The company was formed in 2015 by a group of oil and gas and Learning professionals in order to develop new, modern approach to Technical training and education in Oil and Gas in order to address the needs of transformational change happening in the industry.
Our approach is based on the use of 3D visualization technologies, digitalization, the use of virtual and augmented reality simulators and a personalized approach to teaching. The use of modern teaching methods allows you to speed up the process of transferring large volumes of complex information and simplify the development of new skills.
Experienced e-learning instructional designers
Our team of experienced e-learning instructional designers will review available materials. We will plan and organize them in an appropriate way in order to transform diverse and sometimes complex information into a clear, interactive and efficient e-learning programme.
When developing e-learning programme, our instructional designers conduct following activities: Identification of the target audience, Definition of aim and objectives of the course, Selection of the teaching methodology, Selection of forms and tools of knowledge and skills assessment, Proofreading and preparation of the training materials, Development of the detailed training outline and storyboard of the course, Design and development of interactive activities and games
Effective project management and rapid prototyping
The development of an electronic course can be a difficult and complex task that involves specialists from different disciplines. Our approach to project management includes close work with the client and rapid prototyping, with the emphasis on the fast development of the early prototype of the course with further development and modification.
User experience and interface design
Emotions and personalization shape the behavior of people, therefore, an accessible and impressive design is a powerful tool for attracting and retaining the attention of users, as well as increasing the effectiveness of learning.
Remember, you will never have a second chance to make a first impression, so engage people with exceptional UX / UI design from the very beginning.
Ease of use, usability, consistency and interactivity can make people fall in love with a training course and become its loyal users.
We use a full range of UX / UI services to build effective strategies for retaining attention and increasing engagement in the learning process.
Video-content production
When creating e-courses, we provide additional services, including video filming and production. We create video content, conduct video filming, sound recording and editing, script writing, casting artists, filming and other services. We'll also do post-production.
3D modelling and animation
We create 3D models of objects, including equipment, various industrial machines and even entire industrial complexes. Our experts can turn engineering sketches or drawings into three-dimensional models, allowing you to look at the object from all sides.
We have our own visualization department, including 3D artists, UX / UI designers, graphic designers and illustrators, scriptwriters and game developers.
In addition, we are able to provide various technical specialists for the project, exprienced in technical training.
When e-learning is most effective?
Personnel working at remote locations
When you need to train suppliers or contractors
When you have a large group of entry-level employees
When the whole company or a large group of employees needs to learn the same information
When you need consistent and effective employee onboarding
Professional vioceover and localization
Any educational project, voiced by professional narrators and supported with special sound effects, will always increase the engagement of students into the learning process. That is why we delve deep into each project in order to understand what emotions and when the training program should evoke.
Sound design services:
  • Voice acting and musical instruments recording
  • Sound mixing and processing
  • Sound overlay
  • Music design
Learning gamification and content chunking
Unbundling or “atomization” is the breaking down of courses, texts and other educational materials into minimal blocks of knowledge (atoms), which allows you to collect personalized educational materials and programs that will correspond to the current interests and level of knowledge of students.
“Atomization” facilitates the transition to adaptive learning by allowing students to study topics interesting to them anywhere and anytime. For example, read a short article or watch a training video while on the road.
Gamification is the use of game principles and technologies widespread in computer games in order to increase the involvement of students into the learning process.
Quality control
All our products undergo internal system analysis and control testing before being delivered to the client.
Our quality control system includes checking all the main elements of the e-learning course for their compliance with the client's requirements and the absence of errors and inaccuracies.
Feedback from students
Фото профиля
Everything must be approached with knowledge of laws and customs procedures, then many typical mistakes and difficulties can be avoided. It was useful to learn about the peculiarities of customs regulation and planning of the route of passage of goods. The knowledge gained on customs processes and various methods of regulation will help organize work many times more efficiently!
Andrei K.
Customs clearance specialist
Фото профиля
North Caspian Operating Company
The learning process is built professionally, it was exciting and interesting to study. I liked that the instructor was experienced, explained clearly, in addition, I received comprehensive answers to questions. As a result, I figured out the basic functions of HVAC systems and equipment. I also got additional motivation for work! It is very helpful to know how to make your living or working environment comfortable.
Vasilii M.
Mechanical technician
Фото профиля
Caspian Pipeline Consortium
I received a lot of useful information, especially about gas fire extinguishing systems and basic rules for working with fire-fighting equipment. I would like to note the fascinating presentation of the material and professionalism. Everything is clear and the teacher is super! The explanations were clear and descriptive, in particular thanks to the video material and the answers to the questions of the participants. I will be happy to apply the acquired knowledge in the operation of systems. Thank you!
Sergei A.
Process plant operator
Фото профиля
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating
Through training at TECEDU, I have improved my understanding of oil and gas pipeline equipment. It was comfortable and interesting to study. Most importantly, I can already see the results. On the basis of the knowledge gained, I independently conduct a technical assessment of the supplied equipment, I do better. I would like to thank you for the clarity and clarity of the presentation of the information and the high professional level!
Aigul V.
Pipeline engineer
Фото профиля
Dragon Oil Turkmenistan
We are grateful to TECEDU for the knowledge gained and the high-quality organization of training! The training was held at the highest level and showed how already now we can use knowledge to optimize our work. The instructor was convincing, he was not only able to clearly explain many of the nuances, but also motivated to achieve results! It was helpful to do the stop planning exercise. Based on the knowledge gained in planning outages and repairs of equipment, we were able to reduce the downtime at the enterprise. We highly recommend it!
Viktor T.
Deputy Manager of Offshore Operations
Фото профиля
Kazakh Gas Processing Plant
I appreciate the learning experience at TECEDU. A decent teacher, experienced, speaks clearly and at a comfortable pace. I liked how the educational process is organized. An adequate balance of theory and practice, knowledge, theory and model are applicable in the work. The training was effective. Recommend.
Serik P.
Head of Gas Treatment Section
Фото профиля
Voskhod Oriel
The TECEDU program was helpful. Received the solid knowledge necessary for work. Thanks to them, he made the technical inspection of Ansul systems more efficient and accurate. Descriptions of systems, models, techniques of work - the information is given in the required volume, in a language understandable for specialists. In general, I highly appreciate the training.
Vladimir U.
Frequently asked questions

When converting a training program into electronic format, the following conversion indices should be taken into account:

Training subject Training duration in the classroom Training duration online
Business related subject 8 hours 1 hour (2 slides per minute)
Technical course 8 hours 2 hours (2 slides per minute)

To calculate the development cost for your e-learning course, you need to take into account its duration and level of interactivity. Normally, it will take 130 development hours for 1-hour long e-learning course (90-120 slides). The average cost of 1 hour of e-learning course development is from 50 to 70 US dollars.

Levels of interactivity

  • Level 1 - Basic: This is a simple e-learning program similar to an automated PowerPoint presentation, sometimes referred to as click-to-read. There may also be simple quizzes and similar forms of knowledge testing.
  • Level 2 - Intermediate: This is an e-learning program that combines click and read content with learner interactions such as drag and drop, tabbed interactions, timelines, etc. There are a limited number of branches at this level of the program. This level could be considered typical of most e-learning courses produced today.
  • Level 3 - Advanced: These programs include a significant amount of branching, gamification, animation and / or customization for a unique end product.

E-learning speeds up the learning experience for learners who learn at a faster pace, saving time and resources for maximum efficiency.

  • E-learning allows learners to test material they have already learned, which also saves time;
  • During e-learning, the learning process takes place in a controlled and safe environment;
  • During e-learning, knowledge is tested through tests and interactive assignments for a more objective assessment;
  • E-learning can reduce training costs if the training programme is standard and can be reused.

The e-learning course is composed from the following materials:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Documents
  • Video
  • Voiceover (150 words per minute)
  • Tests
  • Animations
  • Interactive exercises and assignments

Materials are developed and transmitted to the client in SCORM / AICC formats or a project of one of the programs for the development of electronic courses such as Rise, Lectora and others, depending on the client's preferences.

Normally, training statistics is transmitted to client's learning management system (LMS), including the launch of the course, time, success, test results, etc.

Courses are usually adapted to be played from a variety of devices including a personal computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. Also important is support for various operating systems such as Windows, Android and iOS.

Category Risk Risk mitigation measures
Health and safety Limited access of Tecedu personnel to customer's work sites to study the real working environment, equipment operating conditions, work processes.

Maximize the use of remote work tools to study work processes and the environment of equipment operation using video and photo materials.

Tecedu personnel receive the required HSE training for site visits.

Operational Delays in project implementation Active project management and involvement of the project manager on the part of the customer / client at all stages of the project
Workload of key technical experts Involvement of alternative experts with similar professional experience from the Tecedu database
Lack / limited access to the required technical documentation Preliminary discussion with the customer / client of the necessary equipment for the implementation of each stage of the project and determination of the timing and sources of information provision.
Financial The occurrence of unexpected expenses and exceeding the original budget

Phased implementation of the project and payment for the work performed.

Obtaining preliminary approval for all unforeseen expenses from the contract manager of the client company

Business Change in client's strategy / approach to the project Documentation of all changes during the implementation of the project with an estimate of the corresponding financial costs
Change of customer / client representative (contract manager) Obtaining documentary confirmation from the customer about the change of the official representative.
Information security and use of copyright

Use of licensed software by Tecedu employees and advanced IT infrastructure such as Microsoft Azure, SharePoint, Exchange, Amazon Web Services, etc.

Documenting the transfer of non-exclusive copyright to the customer for the use of Tecedu intellectual products and software.

Changes in approaches to project financing and budget management Implementation of the project in phases with prepayment for each stage of the project.
Difficulties in communication with representatives of the customer / client Regular online or offline meetings and discussions with the project team from the client / contractor.

To implement the project to create an e-learning course, the following materials and resources will be required:

Resource Objective Responsible
Technical maintenance and operation experts To describe the physics, structure and principles of equipment operation. Client / Tecedu
Technical training instructors Development of a training program and methodology for assessing knowledge. Client / Tecedu
HSE engineers Assessment of compliance with health and safety requirements Client
Technical documentation Study of the internal and external structure, principles of operation, maintenance and repair of equipment Client
Equipment drawings Creation of 3D models of equipment Client
Photos of equipment and production facilities where the equipment is operated and repaired Creation of the precise working environment Client
Customer LMS Testing the functionality of the e-learning course in the Customer's LMS Client
Programmers and 3D modelers Development of 3D models, software and setting up the interaction between hardware and software. Tecedu
Potential e-learning course users Testing different versions of the curriculum for interactivity, usefulness and effectiveness Client

E-learning course development process


  • Identification of tasks and conducting a virtual workshop with the customer's project team
  • Definition of KPIs


  • Development of the project schedule and roadmap
  • Determination of the scope for visualization
  • Approval of the e-learning course structure


  • Training materials development
  • Training materials approval
  • Tests and examination materials approval
  • Development of 2D and 3D models and animations
  • Course prototypes development and review with the students and customer's experts
  • Development of alpha and beta versions of the course with testing and evaluation
  • User acceptance testing


  • Course transfer to the customer

Gamification is the use of game principles and technologies widespread in computer games in order to increase the involvement of students into the learning process.

Unbundling or “atomization” is the breaking down of courses, texts and other educational materials into minimal blocks of knowledge (atoms), which allows you to collect personalized educational materials and programs that will correspond to the current interests and level of knowledge of students.

“Atomization” facilitates the transition to adaptive learning by allowing students to study topics interesting to them anywhere and anytime. For example, read a short article or watch a training video while on the road.

Adaptive learning is a teaching method in which computer algorithms are used to manage student interactions and provide appropriately matched resources and learning activities to meet their unique learning needs.

In this case, preliminary testing on all important topics and sub-topics of the training course will allow determining the current level of knowledge of the student and adjusting his training program, excluding topics already known to the student from the training. The student will have the opportunity to complete the modules of interest in any case, but topics that he / she already knows well will be counted as completed. Thus, more prepared students will be able to concentrate on less studied or more complex topics.

Beginning - determining the current level of knowledge of the student Baseline assessment
Topic/Module 1
  • Introduction (text/video/audio)
  • Subtopic 1 (text/audio)
  • Subtopic 2 (video/audio)
  • Subtopic 3 (assignment)
  • Interim assessment by Topic / Module
Topic/Module 2
  • Introduction (text/video/audio)
  • Subtopic 1 (text/audio)
  • Subtopic 2 (video/audio)
  • Subtopic 3 (assignment)
  • Interim assessment by Topic / Module
Topic/Module 3
  • Introduction (text/video/audio)
  • Subtopic 1 (text/audio)
  • Subtopic 2 (video/audio)
  • Subtopic 3 (assignment)
  • Interim assessment by Topic / Module
End of the course Final assessment

Competencies are a set of skills, knowledge and values ​​necessary for the successful completion of certain jobs. Matrices of technical competencies are created based on an analysis of existing job descriptions and technical regulations. Technical competence matrices are agreed with the customer's experts. Competency-based learning is based on technical competency matrices and aims to achieve the competencies represented in these matrices. Evaluation of the effectiveness of training is made by comparing the current and desired levels of student competence.

Our software automates the entire assessment procedure and presents its results in a convenient for decision-making format. The system can generate individual training and knowledge assessment reports.


  • Introduction of delegates
  • Prototyping process discussion
  • Workshop agenda review
  • E-learning capabilities review

Learning objectives

  • Desired training behavioral objectives discussion
  • Discussion of the environment in which the training takes place, readiness for e-learning (hardware / software, availability of the training server - Internet / intranet, Java, Flash, browsers, etc.).
  • Learning success criteria review
  • Previous project is this area
  • Presentation of the employee who recently attended the training, feedback from other representatives of the customer
  • Development of the strategic learning objectives map


  • Revision of aim and objectives for the first prototype
  • How to identify which skills to train
  • The importance of learners motivation
  • The use of the design elements to support motivation for learning
  • Determination of the key elements of learning
  • Development of the first prototype
  • Determine the methods of building interactions with the learners
  • First prototype review and discussion
  • Discuss how the prototype can be improved
  • Further actions plan

Delivery platform, assessment, control and results records

  • Discussion of available delivery options for the e-learning course and potential limitations
  • Determine of what should be assessed
  • Determine assessment system
  • Discussion of the ways to determine learning progress results

Documenting tasks

  • Defining roles and responsibilities
  • Documenting tasks

Detailed project plan development

  • Revision of the process of creating a complete course (tasks, solutions, prototypes, media integration, development of alpha, beta versions and the final product)
  • Technologies for receiving feedback from users
  • Description of the ideal solution from the customer's point of view.


  • Project budget and schedule
  • Access to experts and content
  • Project team, approvals, decision making

Visualization and media content

  • Different approaches to the use of media content, discussion of pros and cons
  • The opinion of the customer's representatives on how the course should look like
  • Discussion of sound, video, animation (2D and 3D)
  • New content and development of existing content

Final strategy

  • Project risks analysis
  • Discussion of expectations for the project implementation plan
  • Other questions

Key phases of the e-learning course development:

  • Proofreading and text adaptation for learning purposes
  • Design development
  • Course storyboarding
  • Exercises scenarios writing
  • Animation and visual effects development
  • Voice acting
  • Compilation of the course
  • User acceptance testing
  • Course transfer to the customer
SCORM, which stands for Shareable Content Object Reference Model, is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products. SCORM tells programmers how to write their code so that it can “play well” with other eLearning software. It is the de facto industry standard for eLearning interoperability.
You still have questions or want to order this service?
+7 747 898 5041
+7 707 981 1455