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Law is the language of business. Deals are made and broken In that language. Most lawyers will tell you that it is a secret language which is properly understood only by specialists and not you. My purpose is to equip my students with the confidence to use the law as a business tool in their everyday work and not to be intimidated by the so-called professionals. If you understand your business purpose and can express it in logical and clear words, you have what is needed for a binding and effective contract that the courts will uphold. After all, in this fast changing and uncertain world, you the business person have a far better grasp of what you're trying to achieve in your deals and contracts than a lawyer, and you need to take control of how your deals and contracts are agreed and written. It would be my privilege to help you reach that goal.
Профессиональные области
  • Юридическая поддержка
    #Договорное право #Корпоративное управление #Закон об интеллектуальной собственности (ИС) #Судебные разбирательства и разрешение споров #Слияния и поглощения #Экологическое право #Комплаенс и управление рисками
  • Английский язык
    #Бизнес английский
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