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Dedicated to improve levels of competency in training and technical knowledge. Highly suitable to work in a multicultural workforce where cultural sensitivity is required. Capable to develop and deliver training programs that exceed line expectations. Energetic, result oriented and qualified Mechanical Engineer with well-developed English communication skills and proven ability to transfer knowledge & skills to Technician and fresh Engineers. Proven ability in planning and delivering competency based technical training. Carrying out assessment of skills competency and underpinning knowledge, work place assessment, gap analysis and gap closure. Acquired valuable experience to handle Maintenance and Training for a wide range of Mechanical, Rotary & Static equipments related to Oil and Gas industry
Профессиональные области
  • Добыча нефти и газа
    #Добыча нефти и газа
  • Ремонт оборудования
    #Общее управление ремонтом и техническим обслуживанием оборудования
  • Инженерная механика и трубопроводы
    #Машиностроение и трубопроводные системы #Статичное оборудование #Вращающееся оборудование #Компрессорные системы #Эксплуатация и обслуживание дизельных двигателей #Сосуды под давлением и теплообменники #Центровка насоса и двигателя
+7 747 898 5041
+7 707 981 1455