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Career synopsis
Dr. Eng. Kamal El-Sayed El-Nahhas is a consultant engineer in “Industrial Engineering Planning for Water Purification and Treatment Plants”. He has more than 30 years professional experience in the water field that includes water purification, treatment and desalination. He is currently the head of the water sector at the Suez Canal Authority.
In addition to the professional experience, El-Nahhas has also academic experience as he is working as a Lecturer (part time, since 2003 till now) at mechanical power engineering department, faculty of engineering, Mansoura University. Among several courses, Dr. El-Nahhas teaches the courses of "Water Treatment Technology" and "Water desalination" for third year Mechanical power engineering. Also, he supervises the graduation projects (annually) and MSc & PhD theses applicable in the water field. He published more than 25 research papers.
In addition to the professional experience, El-Nahhas has also academic experience as he is working as a Lecturer (part time, since 2003 till now) at mechanical power engineering department, faculty of engineering, Mansoura University. Among several courses, Dr. El-Nahhas teaches the courses of "Water Treatment Technology" and "Water desalination" for third year Mechanical power engineering. Also, he supervises the graduation projects (annually) and MSc & PhD theses applicable in the water field. He published more than 25 research papers.
Professional areas