Training on working with specialized equipment
School of Engineering - Training on working with specialized equipment
Learn to work with specialized equipment through TEA courses. Gain knowledge in maintenance, setup, and operation from experienced professionals. Practical skills and theory for effective use of modern technologies.
Level: Advanced
Level: Intermediate
Level: Foundation
0 students 0.0 (0 reviews)
#General maintenance management
#Electrical safety
Инженер-электрик, опыт работы по специальности в международных нефтегазодобывающих компаниях более 20 лет, 8 лет работы за рубежом.
Сертифицированный международный эксперт в области взрывозащиты [ЕХ] с правом проведения обучения персонала, правом проведе...
0 students 0.0 (0 reviews)
#Flow and level measurement
#Instrumentation and control systems
I am a measurement consultant for 19 years & ISO 17025 lead Auditor.
I am a measurement instructor for 12 years & delivered many courses in Cairo & Dubai.

I participated in many measurement conferences all over the world: -
1- Speaker at the flow mea...
0 students 0.0 (0 reviews)
#Automated process control system
#Automation and control
My strengths are, disciplined, prepared, friendly with new technology, friendly with students, a good environment creator and motivator.

There are important things to maintain and put in practice along with teaching methodology

grant students prope...
0 students 0.0 (0 reviews)
#Utilities and waste water treatment
#Reliability engineering
Massive experience in mechanical engineering
0 students 0.0 (0 reviews)
#Crude oil processing
#Oil and gas production
Algerian Doctor of philosophy and Experienced Process Operations Engineer and Trainer with over 20 years in the oil and gas industry, including a decade specializing in training, course development, and on-the-job training (OJT). Expertise in process oper...
Also recommended
+7 747 898 5041
+7 7182 901 933