- identify skills required by company managers;
- assess current potential of the manager;
- identify strengths and weaknesses of the leaders for their further development.
- Supportive leadership and development of team members
- Project management
- Plan and monitor workloads and resources
- Drawing up operational plans
- Problem solving
- Relationship building
- What is leadership;
- Team monitoring;
- Building working relationships;
- Development of team needs;
- Team management to achieve results;
- Building relationships with stakeholders;
- Effective communication;
- Assistance in the implementation of the project;
- Managing daily activities to achieve results;
- Budget and resources management.
- Strategic planning
- Creation and execution of operational plans
- Project management
- Leading and managing teams
- Change management
- Financial and resource management
- Talent management
- Supporting people through coaching and mentoring.
- Understanding group dynamics;
- Preparation of management reports and presentations;
- Organizational culture, values and behavior;
- What is it to be a leader;
- Planning for the development of yourself and the team;
- Operational risk management;
- Ethical organizational governance;
- Idea and innovation management;
- Principles of management and leadership in an organizational context;
- Develop, manage and lead a team to achieve success;
- Stakeholder Relationship Management;
- Project management;
- Financial management;
- Leadership in the digital age.
- Setting strategy, direction and vision
- Ensuring a clear understanding of purpose
- Implementation of strategic intent
- Ethical organizational governance;
- Organizational structures;
- Making managerial decisions;
- Personal development as a strategy;
- Strategic leadership;
- Productivity increase;
- Management strategies;
- Financial management;
- Strategic information management;
- Conducting strategic project management;
- Strategic implementation of organizational change.

Entry-level and mid-level managers, as well as first-time managers.
First-time managers face a new, higher level of responsibility and new challenges associated with the transition from self-management and the role of an individual performer to the role of team leader.
Line managers may experience the same problems when moving to the next level of management and moving away from operational work.
If managers have not received formalized training in management as a scientific method, then they urgently need to develop a basic set of leadership competencies to fulfill their current responsibilities.
People become managers in the workplace environment, and not in the classroom, that is why the emphasis in management development should be done on the developing of management skills in the workplace environment. Training methods used in management development are: experience exchange groups / group coaching - a change in social attitudes, feedback through a 360-degree assessment, individual coaching, short-term seminars and courses with business case studies.
The use of blended learning will be popular - a combination of e-learning (independent learning) and face-to-face (instructor-led) learning in the form of webinars and classroom sessions. According to statistics, the average percentage of completion of e-learning courses is 6 - 10%. Therefore, it is important to have the support of an external stimulus in the form of a coordinator and an instructor who will motivate the student to complete the training.
Between the individual modules of the program, as a rule, various practical tasks, tests or coaching sessions are held, including experience exchange groups.
Various strategic sessions can also be organized with invited experts, professors, influencers. Team building events can also be organized and held.
The effectiveness of management development program is usually based on a feedback from their subordinates, direct supervisors and higher-level "managers-sponsors" responsible for development of stars and talents within the organization.
- Executive coaching
- Team coaching
- Business games and simulations
- Development of competency models
- Personnel assessment, including 360 degree method
- Self-management (continuous development and self-improvement);
- People management (development of others, management of others);
- Information management (effective communication, information management);
- Business process management (change management, project management, work management);
- Resources management (understanding the structure of the organization, planning and controlling resources, managing finances and budgets).
Training consists of core topics (mandatory modules) and additional - recommended modules to choose from, for example, project management, finance for non-financiers, contractor management, etc.) This is always a good opportunity to improve skills that are important for certain functions.
- Formation of a talent pool based on learning outcomes;
- Top-management involvement into the process as monitors/observers to form the leadership pool of the organization;
- Award the best students with prizes and diplomas;
- Meetings with top managers of the company;
- Use management development program outcomes as a foundation for future HR decisions;
- Marketing and popularization within the company the success stories of the best students and new talented managers.
Management includes planning, organizing, coordinating, and implementing strategies, programs, tactics, and rules in relation to people, resources, information, operations, and funds.
We will help your organization launch a structured management development process in which managers can improve their skills, competencies and/or knowledge through formal or informal learning for the benefit of both managers and the organization as a whole.
Testing is used to segment groups by level of knowledge, abilities and interests, well-known and valid methods such as DiSK, Insights Discovery or analogues, such as SHL, can be used. The initial assessment is called baseline assessment (BLA).
Based on the test results, participants will be divided into groups according to their interests, abilities and position level.
Before, during and after training, students are tested (initial, intermediate and final). The results of these tests reflect the dynamics of changes in the level of knowledge of students in the learning process. Each student is given a notebook-diary for the period of study to account for practical tasks. At the end of the course, homework from the notebook-diary is assessed separately.
A group of students up to 12 people will require one instructor. This format allows you to increase the time of individual work with each student. This is our recommendation.
A group of students from 15 to 25 people will require 2 instructors. The advantage of this training format is the possibility of using various group exercises.
It is important to involve direct managers and program support from top management, internal PR and marketing of the program.
Students participating in the training program will be given access to a special educational platform to track their learning progress, as well as access to various educational materials, tests, webinars and conferences.
The chances of successful leadership development are greatly increased if training is based on a thorough analysis of all job functions and requirements (competences) of the best leaders in the organization. This analysis helps identify skills that are relevant to specific areas of work or positions.
The holistic managerial competency model covers all levels of leadership in an organization and describes the skills and knowledge for entry-level, middle and senior managers.
The corporate competency model can be used for:
- Recruitment
- Performance evaluation
- Identification of skills gaps
- Training and development
- Succession planning
If the client does not have his own system for assessing managerial competencies, we offer our standard competency model.
To implement an internal corporate training program for managers, we provide a project manager, business trainers, an educational designer (methodologist), a graphic designer and a videographer.
During the training, a group of students will be assigned a coordinator responsible for resolving issues related to the logistics of the program.
Instructors, trainers and coaches are agreed with the customer, and can also be replaced during the implementation of the project. If necessary, the client can request an interview or demo of the instructors' lessons.
Rent of premises for training, travel, accommodation and meals for students are provided in agreement with the client.
Field study tours can also be organized to share experience with other enterprises both domestically and abroad.
Preparation for training starts with development of the management training strategy. Next steps will include development of the entire program modules, methods and terms of training.
If required, training materials can be customized to the needs of the client.
In the case of customization of the program, a "pilot" testing of the entire course will be carried out in order to determine the need for improvements, modifications and changes in the curriculum.
If necessary, the developed training program for managers can be transferred to the customer for independent implementation. In this case, all training materials, instructions for trainers, test materials and progress tracking systems will be transferred to the customer on contractual terms.
All students are provided with all necessary training materials, textbooks, individual notebooks for homework, stationery and permanent access to our digital educational platform.