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Career synopsis
I’m electrical and Insturment Enginer with +13 years of practical and theoritcal training experience in different industrial systmes as Power stations , oil& Gass , Steel , Cement ,…..etc
I’m a highly skilled and experienced electrical and Insturment Enginer with a strong technical backgroundin the oil and gas industry. My career objective is to secure challenging and demanding job in instrumentation and industrial automation, in a growth oriented organization and to employ the knowledge and skills acquired during my career to contribute to the team effort to achieve group goals and at the sametime endeavor to acquire newer and sophisticated skills.
I’m a highly skilled and experienced electrical and Insturment Enginer with a strong technical backgroundin the oil and gas industry. My career objective is to secure challenging and demanding job in instrumentation and industrial automation, in a growth oriented organization and to employ the knowledge and skills acquired during my career to contribute to the team effort to achieve group goals and at the sametime endeavor to acquire newer and sophisticated skills.
Professional areas
Power and electrical engineering#Electrical engineering #Power engineering #Power electronics #Power generation #Power transmission #Electrical safety #Power transformers #Control systems #Power distribution #Alternative energy
Automation, instrumentation and controls#Automated process control system #Automation and control #Distributed contol systems #PLC and SCADA system #Instrumentation and control systems #Flow and level measurement