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Tests and Their Types
Date of creation: 23.05.2024
During the training, it is necessary to conduct knowledge assessments for the participants.
What are the approval stages for training material at the Technical Education Academy?
Date of creation: 23.05.2024
This function ensures strict quality control of the educational content and guarantees that all materials meet high educational standards.
Creating Test
Date of creation: 23.05.2024
According to quality standards, each training program includes Preliminary and Final testing, based on the results of which the effectiveness and progress of the training will be assessed. These data will also form the basis of the training completion report. There are several ways to create a test for the course.
Creating Course Using Your Own Program
Date of creation: 23.05.2024
All educational programs, tests, and articles are published on the Technical Education Academy through the Creative Studio, which can be accessed from the Profile of a registered instructor.
Creating Course Based on the Standard Program from the Technical Education Academy
Date of creation: 23.05.2024
All educational programs, tests, and articles are published on the Technical Education Academy through the Creative Studio, which can be accessed from the Profile of a registered instructor.
Methodological Recommendations for Developing a Training Program Scenario Plan
Date of creation: 22.05.2024
The curriculum of the training program should provide information on the overall study load of the main modules and sections of the training program, the average expected time for each module and the entire training program, their sequence, and the time allocated for the final assessment.
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